RULES The Bavarian Contest Club (BCC) invites all active meteor scatter enthusiasts to join the MS contest hold during the Geminids shower. The aim of the contest
is to generate more activity on the random frequency and make MS random operation more popular. It will also provide interesting information about MS
propagation at various times of the shower. And it will give the little pistols a chance to work the big guns, who are usually just out for square hunting. Mode: CW and / or WSJT. Participation: During the contest it is allowed to change the QTH to another grid square. In this case the same station can be worked again. The new QTH must be
indicated by the callsign (e.g. OH2AV, OH0/OH2AV). You can take part in HSCW as well as in WSJT, but you have to mark each QSO with the mode
(CW/WSJT). Frequencies: WSJT: It is recommended to use beside the frequency 144.370 MHz also 144.350 for CQ Calls. Alternate to the IARU Region 1 procedure you should use the „BCC-procedure" with three numbers of your operating QRG (i.e. „CQ 368 MY1CALL" means, that your operating frequency is 144.368 MHz ). Only one TX signal is allowed at any time . Exchange: Full callsigns, reports and final rogers. Scoring: A complete random WSJT MS QSO counts 1 QSO point. You can work a station one time in CW and one time in WSJT(exception: change of QTH.) Multiplier: Sum of different prefixes worked. Prefixes are defined according to WPX rules (Example: DL5, DL1, DJ8, DA0, DF9, I2, IK2, IW2, IT9, EA3, EB3, RK2, W7, WB7, PA0, PA3, S51, S53 are different prefixes). Final Score: Total QSO points times multiplier. Example: 10 HSCW and letter system QSOs give 60 points, 15 WSJT letter QSO´s 45 points and 10 WSJT Random QSOs 10 points, together 115 points. You worked in CW and WSJT 20 different prefixes. Final result: 20 x 115 = 2300 Pts. Logs: The following data must be included: Operator's name, category, callsign, address and QTH locator.Multi OP stations list all operators. For each QSO:
date, time in UTC, worked station, report sent and report received and mode (CW/WSJT)must be given. Mark all QSOs which were conducted using the
IARU-Region-I letter system. Also technical data about equipment and antennas used should be stated. Awards:The winner of the contest is the station with the highest score. If two stations submit equal scores, the log with the better multiplier wins. The winner of each Category will receive a plaque. Printed results will be sent to all participating stations via E-mail or snail mail. Magazines and radio amateurs world wide have been informed about this activity. Please send your Logs to following adress : or to Bavarian Contest Club - MS Contest - Kellerberg 2 85461 Gruenbach, Germany All incoming E-Logs will be confirmed !